Thursday, April 26, 2018


For this project, we learned about the history of weaving and the artist Daisy Tougelchee.  We learned how different countries and cultures use weaving.  We made a small coaster for our weaving project.  Each student had a needle and a cardboard loom.  We weaved the needle through the yarn in an over under motion and made our coaster.  It takes a very long time to weave.  Once we finished we tied the ends and trimmed up the edges if they were too long.  I had never weaved before this project so it was very fun to try it out and experience it.  It was very relaxing and calming once you picked up on the motion.

An extension activity could be to create a big classroom blanket that every student had apart of or a classroom quilt that could hang in the room.  Another idea would be to make different shapes, we made a square coaster, the students could make different coaster shapes.

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