Thursday, April 19, 2018


In my K-8 Art Methods class we worked with the media of clay.  For this project we learned about Georgia O'Keefe.  She is known for her paintings of enlarged flowers and is the mother of American modernism.  Our project was to make clay flowers.  We kneaded the clay then rolled out the clay and made our flower design in the clay.  We put our design into a bowl so we could paint our flower.  I choose the color blue because blue is my favorite color.  We used clay that would self harden without the use of a kiln.

An extension activity could be to have the students make something special for mothers day.  The students could make their design in the clay and give it to their mothers or grandmas on that special day.  Another idea could be to make a design that describes yourself or a symbol that represents you.  We could set up the clay pieces around the room so every student feels accepted and a sense of belongingness in our classroom.

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