Thursday, April 26, 2018

3D Fish

For this project we worked with 3-dimensional design.  We talked about the difference between 2D and 3D.  We also learned about the artist Claes Oldenburg.  He has one of his 3D sculptures in Minneapolis called the Spoonbridge and Cherry.  For our project we created a 3D fish with construction paper.  We did a lot of folding and cutting to create the 3D fish.  We cut out eyes, a tail, and fins to add to our fish.  The fish turned out great and this project was a great way to follow a step by step lesson.

An extension activity could be to research other 3D animals the students could make if we were talking about different types of animals in Kindergarten.  We could also use the 3D fish and make more specific types of fish and talk about animals in the ocean and have a lesson on that.  This project is a great way to decorate your room and show off what the students created.


For this project it was a Social Studies and Language Arts integration lesson on american symbols.  We created an agamograph pictured two American symbols.  We learned about American symbols like: Liberty Bell, bald eagle, State of Liberty, and American flag.  We created two American symbols to put onto our agamograph.  We all did the American flag for one of the symbols and then I chose to do the penny for my other symbol.  Then on a notecard we had to write a paragraph explaining why the symbol we chose was important to us to tie in Language Arts. 

An integration activity would be to have the students draw different biomes as a science lesson and make a agamograph.  For example the students could draw a rainforest for one picture of the agamograph and a tundra as another picture.  This would be a great way to bring in the arts while reinforcing what biomes are.


For this project, we learned about the history of weaving and the artist Daisy Tougelchee.  We learned how different countries and cultures use weaving.  We made a small coaster for our weaving project.  Each student had a needle and a cardboard loom.  We weaved the needle through the yarn in an over under motion and made our coaster.  It takes a very long time to weave.  Once we finished we tied the ends and trimmed up the edges if they were too long.  I had never weaved before this project so it was very fun to try it out and experience it.  It was very relaxing and calming once you picked up on the motion.

An extension activity could be to create a big classroom blanket that every student had apart of or a classroom quilt that could hang in the room.  Another idea would be to make different shapes, we made a square coaster, the students could make different coaster shapes.

Thursday, April 19, 2018


In my K-8 Art Methods class we worked with the media of clay.  For this project we learned about Georgia O'Keefe.  She is known for her paintings of enlarged flowers and is the mother of American modernism.  Our project was to make clay flowers.  We kneaded the clay then rolled out the clay and made our flower design in the clay.  We put our design into a bowl so we could paint our flower.  I choose the color blue because blue is my favorite color.  We used clay that would self harden without the use of a kiln.

An extension activity could be to have the students make something special for mothers day.  The students could make their design in the clay and give it to their mothers or grandmas on that special day.  Another idea could be to make a design that describes yourself or a symbol that represents you.  We could set up the clay pieces around the room so every student feels accepted and a sense of belongingness in our classroom.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Paper Mosaic

This was a peer taught lesson on mosaics.  We learned about the history of mosaics and how many different kinds of materials can be used to create mosaics.  For our project we made paper mosaics.  We had to think of a scene that involved the season of summer.   Right away I thought of sunshine and water, so I made a sailboat out on the water.  We used color construction paper and cut out different shapes to make our summer scene.  On the notecard at the bottom of my artwork is two facts about mosaics.  

An extension activity could be to use this art project to describe a scene from any children's book read aloud to your class.  The students could sketch their favorite scene from the story and then make a paper mosaic project out of it.  Another idea would be to just create a paper mosaic artwork because it is very fun and relaxing and a great way to decorate your classroom.


Another art media we worked with was printmaking.  This was another peer taught lesson.  For this project, we learned about printmaking and its history.  The printmaking artists that were discussed were Andy Warhol and Helen Frankenthaler.  There are many different types of printmaking but we worked with mono-printing.  We used gelli plates, brayer, acrylic paint, and stencils to make the prints.  Our project was to create prints and experiment with different textures.  For my prints I used one stencil and then I created my own design on the gelli plate using a mini eraser.  I had never done printmaking before so it was very fun to experiment with it.

An extension activity could be to have students find other materials that have good textures and experiment with them.  Have the students go on a texture scavenger hunt.  Another idea would be to find stencils that have letters and the students can print their name.  This could go on their lockers as their name tag.


This was a peer taught lesson on the art media of painting.  In this lesson we learned about Jackson Pollock and his action panting.  We were given history about his paintings and his life.  We then experimented action painting techniques with sticks, marbles, yarn, pipe cleaners, toothbrushes, and toy cars.  We were then allowed to create our own action painting using the different techniques.  I choose to use 3 warm colors: red, orange, and yellow.  I also used the sticks to paint with and the toy cars.  It was fun to play with the different techniques and use toy cars and toothbrushes to paint with.  I named my painting sunshine because it reminded me of the colors of the sun and warmth.

An extension activity could be to integrate this into a science lesson and use materials from outside on a nature walk and see what type of textures and patterns they make when painting with them.  The students could find different types of leaves or rocks.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Kandinsky Concentric Circles

I presented a third grade oil pastel art lesson to my class.  I integrated this art lesson with music as well as language arts.  The students were introduced to the artist Wassily Kandinsky and looked at some of his abstract art.  I used the children's book "The Noisy Paint Box" by Barb Rosenstock to give the students a look into Kandinsky's life growing up and how he used music and emotion to create his famous artwork.  In my lesson the students created their own concentric circles using warm and cool oil pastel colors, recreating Kandinsky's abstract art.  I brought in music as well during work time because Kandinsky thought he could hear music through his abstract paintings.  Below is a picture of the bulletin board I used to display the artwork the students created.