Thursday, March 15, 2018

Starry Night Landscape Collage

In my K-8 Art Methods class we created a starry night landscape collage.  For this project we learned about the artist Vincent Van Gogh.  The main objectives of this lesson was foreground, middle ground, and background.  We also had to create bold lines and shapes with oil pastels.  We were given a dark piece of construction paper and we were told to cover the paper in tissue paper and glue it down.  Next, we made lines and shapes with oil pastels to make it similar to Vincent Van Gogh's painting of the Starry Night.  Then we cut out a landscape that we wanted to be at the bottom of the paper for our landscape.  This activity used many different materials. 

An extension activity could be to have students write about their landscape.  If they choose a city landscape talk about where they are and why they choose that type of landscape.  If they are in the mountains talk about the wildlife and the activities to do in the mountains.  This would be a great writing prompt for students. 


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