Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Pi Skyline

For this project it was an art integration lesson with math.  The lesson was on Pi and the history of pi and how the math symbol is never ending.  We were then given a piece of paper that had a little bit of the pi number on it: 3.145962....  We were then given graph paper to draw a pi skyline on it.  We used the numbers in Pi to make our skyline on the graph paper.  Then we colored in the skyline with black sharpie.  We then used watercolors to make a sky or whatever background we wanted.  Then we framed it on a construction paper and attached a notecard with 2 facts about Pi. 

An extension activity with this lesson could be to have the students graph something they were collecting date form in class and make it into a skyline.  For example maybe the students were collecting data on how many class plants grew in the window then they could take that data and make a skyline of those numbers.  You could use this skyline idea for any time of graphing.  This was a very fun activity and a great way to integrate math and art.