Thursday, January 18, 2018

Footprint Introduction

For my project I created a footprint introduction of myself.  My footprint describe myself and is a way to introduce myself to my students.  In the middle of my foot I have my teacher name.  On the bottom of my foot I have blue water representing my favorite color blue but also summer time and the lake.  I have an airplane and suitcase representing traveling and taking road-trips with my family.  I have a picture of Niagara Falls in New York which was a fun family trip we went on when I was in middle school.  I have a christmas stocking because my favorite holiday is Christmas.  I have board games at the top of my foot because I love playing board games with friends and family.  I have an oven mitt because I love to bake.  I have the words South Dakota at the bottom because that's where I was born and raised.  I have a picture of coffee because I love coffee and going to cute coffee shops.  Last but not least I have pieces of candy in the corner because I love candy and I will have lots of candy in my future classroom.
An alternative project that I could do with students for an introduction project would be to have the students create an "All About Me T-shirt."  The students will be given a t-shirt outline and they have to fill the t-shirt with pictures that describe them.  The students will be able to present their t-shirts to the class and I will display the t-shirts around the classroom.  This is a great activity to get to know your students and see their creative side.  For younger students we could work on counting the number of pictures they used to describe themselves.  For older students we could work on describing out pictures we drew through poetry or descriptive paragraphs.